Breakout Conversations

Rarely do we get a chance to sit down and talk about the topics that affect us the most. From motherhood, to current events and our community, we need more space to talk openly about our experiences.

How it works:

Breakout Conversations are meant to be meaningful conversations in a casual setting. There is no sign-up, simply join in when the conversation feels personal to you. Our conversation leaders are there to move things forward, not dominate the talk. Your ideas, thoughts, comments, and experiences are welcome. We’re all going through similar things, but are scared to talk about it.

Explore the Schedule

No sign-ups required. Head to the breakout conversation zone at the middle of No Man’s Land to join a conversation.

  • We meet people everyday. What can we do to make sure we’re creating lasting friendships with those relationships that mean the most to us.

  • A group of supportive family and friends can make all the difference to a new mom. Where do we find this village? How do we keep them?

  • Immigration and Diversity in Charlotte- Welcoming Newly-Arrived Immigrant and Refugee Families to Charlotte Language Access in Charlotte

  • as mom's we can lose sight of our identity/passions/dreams. We’ll take some time to discuss reigniting a dormant part of you identity.

  • As we explore new passions, the quetion pops up: should I make this into a business? We’ll discuss the difference and when we should just let a hobby be a hobby.

  • Considering therapy and wondering if it could benefit you? Sit down with Ashley and ask away. You may just find others have similar experiences to you!

  • No one prepares us for how our body changes, our relationships evolve, or how society views us. Join Michele Hewitt for an open dialogue surrounding all things getting older.

  • Time is limited and your body has changed postpartum. In this conversation, we’ll discuss the toughest parts of gaining your body back and explore the benefits of moving your body postpartum.

  • Where do you start? Is volunteering right for you?

  • It’s a tricky topic and different for so many women. Ask questions, share experiences, and leave knowing you’re not alone.

  • Self explanatory! Whether your ideas are on the fun side, or an opportunity to share something we’re truly lacking, sit down and talk with other women about what our city needs!

Whether you bring friends or come to meet new ones, No Man’s Land is bound to be an adventuree.